Tuesday, 25 March 2014

On-line Identities

We have been learning about computer safety and what information should and shouldn't be shared on the internet.  We have made some avatars, which are cartoons of ourselves.  These are our on-line identities.  We have tried to make them look like ourselves. Who do you think looks most like their avatar?

To answer Miss Tyrrell's question - here is Mrs Kitto's avatar above.


  1. We like your blog rom 6, and we like your Avatars - we think Niko looks the most like his Avatar!! Andrew's mum and sister (Sarah)

  2. Wow Room 6 we love your Avatars, we think you all look pretty cool!!!!

  3. Wow Zavier, I Love your avatar. I think your avatar looks like you.
    From Hannah

  4. Your Avatars look very much like you do in real life!!! I wonder what Mrs Kitto's avatar would look like?

    Miss Tyrrell
