Tuesday 26 August 2014

ICT exploration

Yesterday we explored some computer programmes with a buddy. We had lots of fun creating pictures and videos on 'Photo Booth'.
Some wonderful questioning and sharing. Ka pai!


  1. Fantastic effort guys, it looks like a lot of fun. Jason Kitto (Saul's Dad)

  2. Hi, I have just come across your blog while searching for a Year 2 Class Blog in New Zealand. It's wonderful! You writing is so neat and well punctuated. I love the way you work together on the laptops and weaving bracelets.
    I am a Year 2 Teacher in Leeds, Yorkshire, England. We go back to school, after our Summer Holidays next week and I am trying to find a class of children in New Zealand that we could be blog buddies with. Would you like to be our friends?
    Our class blog is www.ffks1.primaryblogger.co.uk

    If your teacher would like to email me so that we can share ideas, my email is jane.fisher@farsleyfarfield.org.uk
    I do hope we can become blogging classmates, in the meantime, thanks for sharing all your learning. Best wishes, Mrs Fisher. 1,2,3 Lead.
    Farsley Farfield Primary School. Leeds

    1. Hi there. Yes we would love to be your blogging buddies! It will be fun getting to know you all and finding out a little bit about school in England. from Room 6 your new buddies

  3. What wonderful news! My class returns next Tuesday. I can't wait to show them your blog; I'm going to put a link to your blog on ours too. Thank you SO much, from Mrs Fisher. :-)
