Thursday, 28 August 2014

Tiddler Stories

We have been reading stories by Julia Donaldson.
We really enjoyed the story about ‘Tiddler’ the story telling fish. Tiddler was always making up stories to explain why he was late to school. 
We pretended that we were Tiddler and have written our own stories to explain why we were late. Tiddler would be very proud of our stories.
Click on the image below to read our awesome book.
Tiddler writing


  1. Hi Room 6, we loved reading your stories pretending to be Tiddler. Also the experiment you done today with the hot water, baking soda and vinegar, great ways to remember what you have learnt. Keep up the good work and yes enjoy your day tomorrow up at the Snow Farm.
    Saul's Nana and Grandad

  2. Hi Room 6,

    I think I will ask one of you to explain to Mr White why I am late for work next time!
    Tiddler had so many adventures on the way to school.

    Miss Tyrrell
