Friday 22 August 2014

Weaving Bracelets

Today we joined with Room 5 and our the Room 4 buddies to weave bracelets. We used three straws as our weaving loom and weaved with wool. It was pretty tricky, so we were glad to have the year 7 and 8 helpers. A huge thank you room 4.


  1. Dear Room 6
    Your bracelets are very colourful and they look amazing.
    When we first looked at the title of your post, we wondered if you had made loom band bracelets!

    How did you use the straws and wool to make them? Are you able to post some instructions?

    bye for now
    Mrs McKenzie and B4

    1. HI Mrs McKenzie and B4. One of our writing groups will post some instructions for you next week. We are going to publish them on comic life.
