Thursday, 30 July 2015

100 Balloons

Watch us celebrate our 100th day of school  with 100 balloons.


  1. Kyla showed her family the video of the whole class letting go of 100 balloons at the Clyde bridge. We went over the Roxburgh dam on Friday and looked for the balloons but we did not see any? So we thought about what would have happened to them? They could of popped, they could have got stuck in a tree or the wind could of blown them away?
    Great counting to 100!
    Kyla and her family.

  2. Atā marie Room 6

    Wow! Those balloons are colourful and amazing. When they floated down in the water they went 'splash!' I loved them. We have had balloons at our school before when we had our bike track, and at the start of school.

    From Mia
    Six Team
    Mahora School

  3. Atā marie Room 6

    Your horse biscuits looked delicious with icing and sprinkles. How many are in your class?

    From Emma
    Six Team
    Mahora School

    1. Hi Emma,

      We have 31 children in our classroom. We made the biscuits for a fundraiser. They cost $2 per biscuit.

  4. Hi Clyde Junior Explorers

    Throwing balloons in the water looks amazing.

    I wish we had a river near us. Our Room is Room 6 too.

    How many kids are there in your class?

    I hope we hear from you again soon.

    From Hannah
    Six Team
    Mahora School

  5. Kia ora Junior Explorers

    It looks like you had a beautiful day when you guys let the balloons down.

    The river had lots of balloons on it.

    From Jamie-Lee
    Six Team
    Mahora School

  6. We wonder how many balloons made it out to sea?
    - From The Sangster Family


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