Friday 26 July 2013

100 Day Celebrations

100 Day Celebrations

On the last day of Term 2 we celebrated 100 days at school.  We had a PJ day and began our celebrations with a shared breakfast of pancakes, fruit, and toast.  We did lots of counting to 100 in 1's 2's and 10's.  

clydeschool's 100 Days of school 2013 album on Photobucket
We thought about what we would like to achieve by the time we are 100 years old and wrote down some of our ideas.  We also created ripped paper collages of what we might look like when we are 100 years old. Click on the pictures below to view our artwork and read our 100 ideas.



  1. Loved watching the 100 days count down and the 100 years old pictures where neat.

    Adelle Banks

  2. I think Cody's art work is awesome, well done buddy.

    Karla Robinson

  3. Thanks for your comments Mrs Banks and Mrs Robinson. We liked reading what you thought of our work.
    From Room 6

  4. Love seeing how good you are going to all look at 100. Better start saving if I'm going to help fund my daughter becoming a Doctor! Looking forward to following your blog Room 6 Fliers!
    Maria De Cort (a.k.a Megan's Mum)
